The wound in a place where the light enters you

Trauma Recovery: Embracing Healing

Trauma, whether from past experiences or ongoing challenges, can cast a long shadow on your life. It’s essential to understand that trauma recovery isn’t about erasing the past; it’s about reclaiming your present and future. In therapy, we’ll embark on a journey to heal past wounds, exploring how trauma has shaped your perceptions and behaviors.  These wounds can stem from daily triggers, early childhood experiences, as well as the wounds inflicted by homophobia, transphobia, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism, and patriarchy.  Our work goes beyond merely managing symptoms.  It’s about creating and living the authentic life you want by addressing the root causes of anxiety, depression, and trauma. We’ll develop coping strategies, explore the mind-body connection, and nurture self-compassion, all while learning to cultivate self-trust and develop a greater peace of mind.  I also offer EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which is a therapeutic approach designed to help you heal from distressing experiences, anxiety, and trauma. By engaging your brain’s natural healing mechanisms through a structured process of bilateral stimulation, EMDR aims to reduce the emotional charge associated with painful memories. Unlike conventional therapy, EMDR does not require in-depth discussions of traumatic events or memories. As a result, it can deliver faster results when used in conjunction with talk therapy. You can find valuable information on the EMDR International Association website. Please feel free to reach out for a complimentary consultation to explore if I may support you on your trauma recovery journey.

Unlocking Your Potential: Therapy for Self-Discovery and Growth